On Thu, 28 Feb 2019 04:26:10 -0000 (UTC), Bill
On Wed, 27 Feb 2019 19:43:08 -0500, Alex wrote:
John H. wrote:
On Tue, 26 Feb 2019 18:56:59 -0800 (PST), True North wrote:
Just got in from walking the dog. Temp is minus 14 C with a strong northerly wind.
Hard to walk into it..especially into the strong gusts. Weatherman
says we should get relief around the end of March.
Oldest son is flying to Europe from Toronto tomorrow with an hour and
a half stop in Iceland.
Toronto is expecting 15 cm of snow tomorrow and Iceland is expecting
strong winds. Hope he's able to get there without major delays.
The airport in Iceland is a wonderful place to spend an hour or two. He'll enjoy it.
As long as the bar is open, eh?
Could be worse. It could be Greenland.
I worked with an Icelander in the Silicon Valley. He said cold as hell,
and the booze was expensive as hell. Big taxes.
We were in both Greenland and Iceland last summer but not long enough
to do a detailed cost of living analysis. Off hand though I'd guess
that Greenland is more expensive because of its remoteness. Of course
you could always go native and learn to eat raw seal meet. :-)
We spent an afternoon in a colorful little town in south western
Greenland called Qaqortoq. With a population of 3,089 it is the
fourth largest city and has no roads in or out, just a heliport and a
decent harbor.
https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1067&bih=667&e i=qWh3XJv3OsHI_Qbkko-ACg&q=Qaqortoq&oq=Qaqortoq
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