I don't know about your Ella... MC ... but Overproof would be doing at
least 7 knots on a broad reach with moderate winds... even pulling "several
water toys" and a 500 lb, 18ft Dory.
"The_navigator©" wrote in message
| So on this windy condition on a broad reach with full main you were
| doing 1 kn. Impressive. Were you pulling a parachute?
| Cheers MC
| CANDChelp wrote:
| Today I had some problems with Alien. It seemed on every tack I was
| other sailboats. It was a gusty day, and most boats were reefed down. I
left my
| main alone and reefed down the genoa. Again, I'm impressed at how flat I
| get the jib when rolled to 110 or so.
| I had simply GREAT control of the boat and really blasted past most of
| boats, until a gray and red J30 came along. I took a close reach next to
| and we were side by side for quite a while. But every time there was a
gust, he
| gained a few inches, then a few feet. We both sheeted in and I was
pleased at
| how closely matched we were. Coolness!
| I finally reefed the genoa completely and just sailed on broad reaches
so the
| girls could swim behind the boat. I pull them on several water-toys.
| Popped the genoa and sailed for home, blasted past my buddies Vindo and
| off a C&C 33. Damn fun!