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Default Who'll Bet on Bob?

Well, this weekend was supposed to be a trip from City Island to Coney Island
to dip a toe in the ocean, and the weather was perfect. Looks like he didn't
make it, but not to fear.

This summer, Suzanne is working at a hospital, going to school and
at an old age home. It's been near impossible for us to do more than catch a
lot of day and night sails.
Next weekend will be our first chance to take the boat for a bit more
and we're looking forward to it.
Her school/work schedule was part of the reason we'd planned to wait until
to replace Ghost. Then the great deal on the C&C came along...and we jumped
it. We're not regretting it, but I sure wish we could line up more than two
days to sail.

She doesn't let you sail it without her?