The same people
The same people who whined and complained the loudest
about NOT finishing the job and taking out Saddam Hussein
back in the Desert Storm are now demanding that we NOT
finish the job in Operation Iraqi Freedom. They want us
to withdraw the troops because one or two a day are
being killed in the continuing effort to secure Iraq. They
want us to be quitters.
These same seditious people are saying President George
W. Bush is a liar and is responsible for soldiers being killed
in Iraq. Funny thing is they seem to have forgotten all about
congress approving the war in Iraq. They have forgotten
that Democrats and Republicans in congress agreed
wholeheartedly that the war in Iraq was necessary. They
were all privy to the same intelligence as was President
Bush. Hmmmmm!
Now these same whining idiots are suggesting we pull our
troops out of Iraq without having finished the war. Funny
thing is they seem to have already forgotten that they
complained and still complain to this day about us doing
the same thing in Desert Storm.
If we pulled all the troops out of Iraq tomorrow, then
when the next election rolled around, they will be yelling,
"You should have finished the job in Iraq"
These Bush haters are so predictable it make me laugh.
Hey you retarded *******s, you can't have it both ways
without becoming a laughing stock.
Get over it Bush haters. You don't fool anybody with
your hypocrisy, sedition, treason and Anti-Americanism.
You are in the minority and your Democrat party is in
shambles. All you have left is false accusations, sabotage
and sedition. You have not a single, solitary, positive idea
of your own. You are totally negative and are morally and
politically bankrupt. Oh, how the mighty have fallen!