Thread: The same people
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Default The same people

Bush wouldn't lie, he knows it only makes things worse and feeds his rabid
Face it, Hussien is gone there's nothing you can do to bring him back.
I'd rather have the Americans running the show than Hussien. The Americans
are even going to be kind enough to invite the UN (Bozo's circus) in to
help. Now the UN inspection teams can search high and low for the WMD.
The Iraq situation will be resolved no matter how hard you try to sabotage
it. The world will move on regardless.
America may not be perfect, but at least they do a good job of giving
widging pommies something to widge about. So fix your own country first you
foreigner! Or should we come over there and straighten yours out too?

"Donal" wrote in message

"Simple Simon" wrote in message
They have forgotten
that Democrats and Republicans in congress agreed
wholeheartedly that the war in Iraq was necessary. They
were all privy to the same intelligence as was President
Bush. Hmmmmm!

Does this mean that all members of Congress had access to the highly
sensitive intelligence that Bush saw? .. OR does it mean that Bush didn't
have access to the source material?

I find it very difficult to believe that all the Members of Congress could
be either as dishonest, or as stupid as Bush. I think that you must be

