On Tue, 16 Apr 2019 08:30:30 -0400, John H.
On Tue, 16 Apr 2019 07:27:04 -0400, "Mr. Luddite" wrote:
On 4/16/2019 6:03 AM, John H. wrote:
On Mon, 15 Apr 2019 20:29:26 -0400 (EDT), Justan Ohlphart wrote:
True North Wrote in message:
I was thinking of getting a set off and on for the last 15 or more years. They started off with modest range claims but seemed to get more powerful maybe up to or so kilometers. Even wondered if they would help communicating with the wife while backing the boat into the driveway. She likes to hide in my blind spot while directing me.
Why don't you educate her on where to stand and how to signal. A
good spotter is worth his/her weight in gold.
We now have a good system. She stands where she wants the driver's side rear corner of the rig. I
aim for her. Simple. No yelling, no waving, only a fist when it's time to stop. If she leaves the
spot to check the passenger side, I stop until she returns a few seconds later.
Works well.
I've posted this before but it's worth repeating. True story:
When we had the 5th wheel (it was a 37' Raptor Toy Hauler) I was
attempting to back it down a narrow, stone driveway at our house.
The driveway was curved and lined with trees on one side.
Justan will remember it.
Anyway, I was backing it in with Mrs.E. as my spotter. I asked
her to let me know if I was going to hit anything ... mainly the
trees on the side.
As I started backing up, she suddenly started shaking her head
from side to side so I jammed on the brake and stopped.
She started motioning me to continue backing again, which I did
but she immediately started shaking her head again, so I stopped.
Again, she motioned me to start backing up but again she started
shaking her head from side to side. I stopped, hopped out of the truck
and asked, "What's the problem?"
She said, "Nothing, you are doing good".
"Then why are you shaking your head every time I start backing up", I asked.
She replied, "I am saying *No*, you aren't going to hit anything".
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Yes, that was funny!! Female logic at its finest!
That is one area where Judy and I don't have a problem. With all of
her work experience in the various male dominated fields she knows the
hand signals for truckers, crane operators and heavy equipment. It is
that mundane stuff we have trouble with like "I thought you said you
wanted to go out to dinner".