On Thursday, April 18, 2019 at 7:43:10 AM UTC-5, John H wrote:
On Thu, 18 Apr 2019 02:39:00 -0000 (UTC), Bill wrote:
Tim wrote:
That's what PBS is saying. Around here, I know of high school grads who
are making 50,000+ a year in the oil patch. Only requirement is be
willing to work and pass a drug test.
One of the expletive in my group who went to Slidell, LA after Katrina had
been a shop teacher. Head of the state industrial arts teachers group.
When the state universities and community colleges came to him saying they
want all high school to be college Prep programs, and if they needed other
training to go to the state or community college system. He told them they
were idiots. Couple years later they came back and admitted they were
idiots. Almost all the schools, at least in the Bay Area have got rid of
shop classes, and sold off the equipment. I think Livermore high is the
only school I know of locally that still teaches shop. And with the cost
of buying equipment and the lack of people who could teach the classes who
have the degrees required, I see a hard time bringing sense back to the
primary/secondary education systems.
The school at which I taught has also done away with 'shop'. No more electric saws, drills, sanders,
etc. Everything is done on a computer now. The shop teacher thinks it's the biggest waste of time
No "hands on" experience? What a waste. I agree...