On Thu, 25 Apr 2019 06:37:07 -0400 (EDT), Justan Ohlphart
Wrote in message:
On Tue, 23 Apr 2019 09:25:01 -0700 (PDT), Tim wrote:These guys say so....http://brusselstimes.com/business/te...tudy-showsThey are assuming coal fired electric plants but I agree all electriccars do is move the smoke stack down the road a ways. You could say solar fixes that but most of these cars will be on theroad when the sun is shining and get charged late at night when ratesare lowest. I suppose you could put solar collectors on the roof of daytimeparking garages and charge a few cars.Like most of these schemes, as long as there are not many of them,they look good. A garage even less than half full of electric carswould eat that solar energy far faster than it gets collected.It is like those guys with a solar collector on the roof of their golfcart. It is great if you only use it every other day, don't use it alot and keep it parked in the sun. My charger puts out 20a at around40v
(0.8KWH) and it takes ~8-9 hours to recharge the batteries.The usable capacity of a typical 36v cart is 8KWH or more depending onwhich battery you choose. I bet Bill's Volt is close to 10x that. Certainly a Tesla would bemuch more.
My Club Car uses six eight volt deep cycle batteries. Would it be
better to deplete the charge to 50% before recharging or, as some
say, recharge after each day's use, no matter the state of
discharge? They say my charger is a smart one but it's not smart
enough to avoid gassing off a lot of water.
I have a lot of experience using and abusing golf cart batteries - 8
of them in the inverter bank on our trawler. It's much better for the
batteries to recharge them after each use rather than wait for 50%
depletion. Greater depth of discharge equates directly to shorter
Do not over charge however. You really need a good multi-stage
charger to do this properly.
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