Who'll Bet on Bob?
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Who'll Bet on Bob?
Doing the East River at night is beautiful, but you need to keep a
serious debris watch. There is a lot of big stuff floating around.
Also, they are doing some constructiion on the highway and the channel
is narrowed to almost 1/2 from 72nd St to 50th St. with large barges
cranes and miscl. equipment.
On 22 Jul 2003 16:00:08 GMT,
(CANDChelp) wrote:
Making the 10:15 ebb at Hell Gate?
On 22 Jul 2003 13:27:33 GMT,
(CANDChelp) wrote:
We're looking at Friday night. My friends Galaxy 32 is getting splashed on
Saturday morning, so we may sail over to Liberty Marina and help out.