On Wednesday, September 4, 2019 at 5:27:04 PM UTC-4, John H wrote:
On Tue, 3 Sep 2019 20:58:09 -0700 (PDT), Its Me wrote:
On Saturday, August 31, 2019 at 8:55:21 AM UTC-4, Mr. Luddite wrote:
So now it looks like the forecast path has changed.
My son and his family in Mt. Pleasant, SC could be
wacked pretty badly if it follows the new path.
Their house is 1.5 miles from the ICW and under
3 miles from the ocean, all on low laying land.
The elevation of their house above sea level
is 9.82 feet!
I just texted him and suggested it might be time
to consider getting out of dodge.
Does he have a plan to get out, and where is he going? My crazy BIL has decided to "ride it out" on James Island, so we now have two bedrooms with queen beds and some room for a day or two. If that's an option, we can figure out a way to exchange info. 3452471 at should work, just let me know you sent something. I don't check it.
They're in good shape. Their main house is inland. They've got the boats out and inland also. Thanks
for that offer thought. We're going down on the 14th rather than the 5th. "Discretion is the better
part of valor...and all that."
LOL! John, the offer was actually for Luddite's son and his family who live in Charleston. I knew you and your family was OK. If you are ever in need, the invitation is good for you, too!