Boat project
I am up on the hard, stripped the boat down to the plywood, pressure
cleaned and scraped off as much of the old sealer as I could get off.
Fixin to put 3 coats of roof sealer on it and a new rug. Plywood (MDO)
seems solid and that is somewhat amazing after 30 years in the
salt/brackish water and around 7,000 hours running. I am going to go
with it for a few more years anyway.
I also have my motor maintenance and probably a few other little
things on the electrical system.
I guess I just pushed my new boat back a few years again. If I am
still using it in the 2021-22 time frame I will be due for a motor and
I might do the whole thing new then. I still have the problem that I
don't want any furniture and it is hard to buy a new boat without it.
That gets me back to Fire and Marine in Ohio who will build me a new
boat to spec. Last time I priced one out it was 11k or so for a
battleship and 2k to ship, if I was not willing to drive to Dayton to
get it.
I wonder if I could get an Uber? ;-)