Censure Pelosi
On 2/5/2020 7:52 AM, Tim wrote:
Mr. Luddite
Censure is defined as a formal, and public, group condemnation of an
individual, often a group member, whose actions run counter to the
group's acceptable standards for individual behavior.
In the United States, governmental censure is done when a body's members
wish to publicly reprimand the President of the United States, a member
of Congress, a judge or a cabinet member. It is a formal statement of
Nancy Pelosi certainly qualifies to be formally censured for
tearing up her copy of the SOTU address on national television,
especially in a formal, joint session of Congress.
I thought the spoiled brat scene she made was pretty tacky myself
I have to admit though that Trump was going for the jugular in a
well planned but barely "disguised" fashion.
Pelosi provided the first snub by ignoring the traditional
introduction of the POTUS to a joint session of Congress.
Trump may or may not have ignored her handshake offer, but
I wouldn't blame him if he did. He didn't offer to
shake the VP's hand either. But it made Pelosi look
foolish as she stood there with her hand out.
But the best part was when Trump singled out New York and
California as sanctuary states (Schumer, Pelosi and Schiff)
and their refusal to detain criminal illegals for ICE.
As he described some of the resultant murders of US
citizens, you could see the deer in the headlights look
on Pelosi's face.
Trump wasn't pulling any punches.