I would closely examine all the power (and ground)connections starting at
the battery and down the line. Take them loose, clean them and apply
dielectric grease , even if that's not the problem it can't hurt and it is a
good starting spot.
My boatbuilding web site is:
"Rod A." wrote in message
I have an '88 Mastercraft Prostar 190 w/ a 351 Ford block.
Only mod is an electronic ignition kit installed in the distributer
about 8 years ago.
Fri. PM took boat out and was working fine until I went to run down
the lake and got to a higher RPM (maybe 3600+) then it stalled and
would not turn over. Volt meter read 9 volts.
Took boat out, charged battery for an hour, started on trailer, had
good charge voltage from alt. (13.5). Put boat back in water,
everything seemed ok but didn't do full rpm run.
Took it out to ski the next day. Skied for 3 hours, lots of engine
starts, no problems except every once in a while after starting it
would take a minute to start charging. It would sit at 12v for a few
seconds before going back to 13.5 and stayed at 13.5v. When we were
done skiing and I went to run back down the lake, it died again when I
hit a higher rpm. Acted almost like you turned the key off. Voltage
then again read 9 or 10 volts and it wouldn't try to start.
Pulled Alt. and took it to a good elec. shop. Tests fine, puts out
65amps and works at all rpms.
Any ideas or sugestions?
Rod A.