Firing of Navy CO
On Mon, 06 Apr 2020 07:52:43 -0400, John wrote:
On Mon, 6 Apr 2020 07:34:05 -0400, "Mr. Luddite" wrote:
Joe Biden has weighed in on the relieving of command
of the CO of the USS Theodore Roosevelt.
The captain was relieved for failure to follow the chain
of command and sending emails copied to over 20 people
on an un-secure email system. This is serious because
it gives potential adversaries information on the ship's
capabilities and readiness.
Joe Biden has determined that firing the CO
was "criminal" in nature.
Here's Biden's Navy experience:
In May of 2013 he administered the Commissioning Oath of The Navy to his
son Hunter at a ceremony at the White House.
One month later Hunter tested positive for cocaine and was discharged
from the Navy.
That's about it.
I was totally astonished at his action. He deserved what he got.
I tend to agree. I understand he thought the Navy wasn't taking the
issue on his ship seriously enough but if you want to be in the
military, you need to respect the chain of command and follow proper
communication protocol. Only some Secretaries of State are allowed to
use non secure Email servers and get away with it.