Just a few headlines from Christian Crackpots
Florida Megachurch Pastor Arrested After Holding Crowded Service In
Defiance Of Rules
Friend of pastor arrested for keeping megachurch open announces big
Christian Woodstock
Jim Bakker Guest: The Pandemic Is A Result Of God’s Anger At Fornication
Conservative Pastor Says Coronavirus Spreading in Synagogues is God's
Punishment to Jews for 'Opposing' Jesus Christ
My Pillow CEO claims God "gave" President Trump to America during White
House coronavirus briefing
Tennessee Church Brags About Holding Services Despite Coronavirus “Hysteria”
Christian "Finishes" Virus, Commands God to Destroy It
Mike Huckabee: The Risk of a COVID-19 Death is “Minimal,” but Sin is
100% Lethal
Evangelist Spits on COVID-19: “I Blow the Wind of God on You!”
Conservative Pastor Claims He 'Healed' Viewers of Coronavirus Through
Their TV Screens
Perhaps, if we are able to put COVOID-19 behind us and recover,
Christian religious crackpots will die off, too. We can pray for it.