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Keyser Soze Keyser Soze is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Dec 2015
Posts: 10,424
Default Thank you, Donald.

No, he didn't cause it but his lack of preparedness and lack of planning
has and will make it worse...

"More than 22 million Americans have filed for unemployment aid since
Donald Trump declared a national emergency four weeks ago, a staggering
loss of jobs that has wiped out a decade of employment gains and pushed
families to line up at food banks as they await government help.

Last week, 5.2 million people filed unemployment insurance claims, the
Labor Department reported Thursday, making it among one of the bigger
spikes, although smaller than the 6.6 million people who applied the
week before and the record 6.9 million people who applied the week that
ended on March 28.

The United States has not seen this level of job loss since the Great
Depression, and the government is struggling to respond fast enough to
the deadly coronavirus health crisis and the economic crisis triggered
by shutting down so many businesses.

(snippet from Wash Post)

MAGA - Manipulating America's Gullible Assholes