On Sun, 19 Apr 2020 09:06:35 -0400 (EDT), Justan Ohlphart
Wrote in message:
On Sat, 18 Apr 2020 20:25:09 -0400, Keyser Soze wrote:On 4/18/20 8:18 PM, Bill wrote: Keyser Soze wrote: On 4/18/20 3:29 PM, Bill wrote: Keyser Soze wrote: On 4/17/20 10:35 PM, wrote: On Fri, 17 Apr 2020 15:41:58 -0400, wrote: On Fri, 17 Apr 2020 14:07:15 -0400, wrote: On Fri, 17 Apr 2020 08:28:11 -0400 (EDT), Justan Ohlphart wrote: Keyser Soze Wrote in message: On 4/16/20 2:09 PM, Justan Ohlphart wrote: He has passed himself off as a freelance writer and now has bull****ted his way into a paralegal position at a relative's law firm. Whatever mind-altering drugs you are taking, either increase or decrease the dosage. Paralegal at a law firm? Relative's law firm? Your well is poisoned.--
- Manipulating America's Gullible Assholes Isn't this you Fat Harry? Sure seems so. https://www.mylife.com/harry-krause/e142812772632 I agree with Harry the Krause and Farris thing looks to be wrong. That firm seems to have just disappeared. Maybe they went bankrupt too. === https://www.lawyers.com/annapolis/maryland/krause-and-ferris-616519-f/ "Not active on Lawyers.com". nor anywhere else on the web either in any significant way. Like I said I really wasn't that interested. Just listening to Harry I assumed anyone he worked for was associated with unions and labor, not a divorce attorney. I assumed the reference was very old or just wrong and let it go. Where else could I turn to to find the level of herd stupidity among some of you boys? Just about any Ivy League University these days. The same ones who go to
spring break and ignore all the rules and complain when 95% show up infected. Oh, so you have a valid statistical breakdown of the universities attended by non-Floridians who visited that state for spring break in 2020, eh? Bull****. https://www.kiro7.com/news/trending/coronavirus-wisconsin-spring-breakers-who-went-nashville-alabama-beach-test-positive/LKTTMRQFMZCTRLC3LTBNKPENKM/ Here is just one I googled up. How many did they infect in their return? When did the University of Wisconsin become an "... Ivy League University," as you claimed? Oh, and Nashville, Alabama, is not part of Florida.The kids from the Northeast were probably between Jacksonville andCocoa. They used to go to Ft Lauderdale but the city elders made itunattractive to them 25 years ago. (parking restrictions, closingareas of the beach, cracking down on under aged and public drinking,curfews etc). I am not sure Miami was ever a spring break destinationunless you are pretty
Daytona has been made unattractive to spring breakers over the
past several years. The city has discovered bike week is a lot
more profitable with a lot less trouble. Many college students
shouldn't be allowed to travel without chapparones.
A lot of places are coming to the same conclusion. Spring breakers
don't really spend that much money, compared to your average tourist.
They will pack a dozen in a room, eat a lot of fast food or deli stuff
and buy their beer in bulk in a store, not at a bar. Cities are just
saying no thanks.
That is why Mexico became so popular. John's cite talks about Ft
Lauderdale and that is not really going to be representative of spring
breakers, particularly from the midwest where the kids are not rich
enough to have a family place on the beach. The study I was talking
about was looking at Gulf beaches.