Questionable immunity
On Sun, 26 Apr 2020 11:36:24 -0400, "Mr. Luddite"
The jury is still out on the idea of "herd immunity" ... or any
immunity at all with covid-19.
"WHO warns there's no evidence of coronavirus immunity as global death
toll reaches 200,000"
We are not going to know anything until cold and flu season comes
again. We don't know whether this will mutate beyond the immunity
"cured" people have. If so how much catching up would we need?
Bear in mind the common cold (another Corona virus) has no vaccine.
Herd immunity does give us the antibodies to fight it tho. The more
colds you have had and recovered from, the more antibodies you have.
If someone with a cold goes into the deep woods of the Amazon, they
might have a chance of wiping out a whole village because most of the
indigenous people have never had a 1st world cold. To them it is a
novel virus.