Couple of CA doctors discussing covid-19 and analyzing the data.
It's a long video but if you have the time, it's really
Key points if you don't have the time to watch:
1. Lock-downs, shelter in place and closing businesses
has been a huge mistake.
2. Going back historically, this is the first time an
epidemic or pandemic has been addressed by
isolating or putting in quarantine the "healthy".
Historically the sick have been isolated.
3. A healthy immune system *depends* on being exposed
to all kinds of viruses and bacteria. It's how it
develops antigens to fight them off. Sheltering
in place and over-washing of hands, etc., defeats
the purpose. They don't advise against it but they
point out that it's a mistake to think you are
preventing exposure just because you wash your hands.
The corvid-19 virus can live on plastic for up to
three days. How about those water bottles you just
picked up? They made the point that if they came
to your home where you have isolated yourself, run
some swab tests on your counters or whatever, they
guaranty they will find the covid-19 virus.
4. They credit Dr. Fauci and Dr. Brix as being
experts in their fields but say they are
academics living in an Ivory Tower. Dr. Erickson
says Dr. Fauci hasn't seen or treated a patient
in over 20 years.
5. They both totally discredit the "models" that
Fauci and Brix have relied upon to make the
recommendations they have made. The data didn't
6. They go over various states and countries with
confirmed cases, deaths and extrapolate the death
rates. Conclusion: No worse than the seasonal flu.
BTW, this includes Sweden that did *not* impose
severe business, school or economic shutdowns.
Anyway, here's the link:
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