Even more MAGA...
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Dec 2008
Posts: 2,257
Even more MAGA...
On Fri, 08 May 2020 18:47:29 -0400,
On Fri, 8 May 2020 11:21:03 -0400, Keyser Soze wrote:
On 5/7/20 11:01 PM,
On Thu, 7 May 2020 13:03:08 -0400, Keyser Soze wrote:
Jobless claims climb to 33M in seven weeks as nation braces for historic
unemployment rate. Added this past week: 3.2 million.
Do you think it has anything to do with the panic and the unreasonable
lockdown that choked the life out of the economy?
Indeed, why panic with only 1.3 million *confirmed* cases and 76,000+
dead in about two months, much higher totals than we would have seen if
Trump had had the brains and guts to take COVID-19 seriously when he was
first warned about it.
That would make the unemployment rate even higher.
The interesting thing is in New York, the people who stayed home fared
worse than the essential workers who carried on normally, just taking
a few precautions.
The folks that stayed home caught it from someone who *didn't* stay home.
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