finally, a plan
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Keyser Soze
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Dec 2015
Posts: 10,424
finally, a plan
On 5/15/20 4:06 PM,
On 15 May 2020 13:08:04 GMT, Keyser Soze wrote:
May 14 (UPI) -- As required by federal law, the Trump administration has
submitted a plan for a potential transition of power next January if
President Donald Trump is defeated in November.
That is a fairly well beaten path but I wonder if we will actually get
to go down it. A lot will depend on what the country looks like in
October. If the economy is on it's way to recovery without a massive
loss of life, Trump wins.
If not, pity the person who does because I think it is going to be a
long hard winter. By this time next year, there might not be much of
an economy in the world to save if we haven't recovered by the end of
this summer.
China and Sweden might take over the world.
Apparently it is part of Trump's master plan to coerce reporting
agencies into not counting all of those who die from COVID-19 or
complications in order to keep that number down and convince morons to
get out there. I don't recall the details, but didn't your governor give
that a try for a while until the big Miami newspaper blew the whistle on
MAGA - Manipulating America's Gullible Assholes
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Keyser Soze
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