I certainly hope...
Keyser Soze wrote:
Bill wrote:
Keyser Soze wrote:
...you fellas are getting out and about this weekend, and doing your
thing for Trump and Country by participating in group activities, going
to the movies, attending sporting events, going to church, hitting the
malls, et cetera, to help save your Dear Leader's election chances.
One bright spot: I saw a clip from a Biden appearance in which he
responded when asked, if he won, whether he would interfere in any
criminal prosecutions of Trump or, for that matter, issue a pardon to
The answer:
The NO was to the question if he remembered if he was running for office.
Drink some more of that Trump clorox, dummy.
In your dreams. 85,000 infected, millions dead quote Joe Biden. I voted
Gary. Only a Yellow Dog Democrat can be happy with what the democrats are