Great Column from Middle America
President Trump stoops to new lows as election nears:
By Brent Larkin,
CLEVELAND -- Days removed from its most solemn holiday, the nation now
enters one of the most perilous five months in its history, a time when
the man in charge of that nation will do whatever it takes to rip it apart.
President Donald Trump cannot win a second term without spewing hatred,
inventing false conspiracy theories and embracing cruelty and racism.
There is simply no alternative path to victory. Not for someone whose
job approval has been under water for almost his entire 41 months as
So while much of the nation spent last weekend remembering lost loved
ones or mourning the approach of 100,000 coronavirus deaths, the
president of the United States spent most of his weekend either playing
golf or engaging in precisely the types of false, inhumane and racially
charged tactics he seems to believe are needed to win re-election.
Against a backdrop of death, President Trump engaged in mean-spirited
Twitter attacks on a variety of perceived enemies and former allies,
tweeted numerous suggestions that MSNBC news show host Joe Scarborough
murdered a former female congressional aide, and retweeted posts from a
person known for denigrating black women, including one that bluntly
degraded black female Democrat Stacey Abrams.
Even the Trump-friendly Wall Street Journal wrote in a May 26 editorial
that, with his disgusting lies about Scarborough, “Mr. Trump is debasing
his office, and he’s hurting the country in doing so.â€
Trump’s Memorial Day weekend arrived with the news more Americans had
died of the coronavirus than in the Korean and Vietnam Wars combined, 33
times more than those killed on Sept. 11, and twice as many as killed in
battle during World War I.
And just days before that weekend came a May 21 report from Columbia
University epidemiologists suggesting 36,000 of those deaths could have
been prevented had the nation’s leaders embraced social distancing and
other measures to slow the virus’s spread just one week earlier.
It has been an epic failure of leadership from a man who, on Feb. 27,
assured the nation the coronavirus was “going to disappear. One day —
it’s like a miracle — it will disappear."
The release of every new poll tends to confirm the suspicion that a
growing number of voters are onto Trump and that his support is eroding
with seniors and college-educated women. Many insightful Republicans I
have known for decades now subscribe to the notion Trump cannot win a
fair re-election fight.
He has far too much baggage to win a contest about issues, or a choice
between leadership styles. So Trump and his campaign will bend or break
whatever rules, maybe even some laws, they believe are necessary to win.
Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic nominee, is a flawed candidate.
But Biden also possesses abundant quantities of normalcy, decency,
compassion, gratitude, kindness and loyalty.
Trump possesses not a single one of them.
So because this president would lose a fair election, the only viable
alternative is to prevent Biden from winning it.
One way to do that is by demonizing him with lies. Perhaps the more
important way will be to make it increasingly difficult for poor and
disadvantaged Americans to vote.
And therein lies the genesis of Trump’s manic and ongoing complaints
about the evils of mail voting, of his raising debunked theories that it
is rife with fraud, even though many Republican secretaries of states
across the country are supporting increased access to
absentee-mail-voting prior to the Nov. 3 election.
On May 20, Trump threatened, without specifics, to withhold federal
funding to Nevada because of an “illegal†mail voting system implemented
by the Republican secretary of state.
Finally, on May 26, Twitter began tagging Trump’s baseless rants about
voter fraud with links to truthful news stories on the subject.
Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose has authored his own thoughtful and
thorough plan to modestly expand voter rights for the upcoming
presidential election. Unlike Trump, LaRose has repeatedly characterized
voting fraud as rare in Ohio. So did his predecessor, now-Lt. Gov. Jon
Husted. LaRose and Husted are conservative Republicans.
The Ohio legislature must act soon on LaRose’s proposal. “If we’re still
talking about this come mid-summer, we’ve waited entirely too long,â€
said LaRose.
Meanwhile, brace yourselves for the most divisive politics in modern
American history, for this president has no bottom.
As religious conservative Peter Wehner, who worked for three Republican
presidents, wrote in the May 26 Atlantic magazine, “There is a
wickedness in our president that long ago corrupted him. ... And it’s in
the process of corrupting our country, too. He is a crimson stain on
American decency. He needs to go.â€
Come Election Day, Trump’s assault on truth and decency will make
McCarthyism seem like a stroll through Mister Rogers’ neighborhood.
Brent Larkin was The Plain Dealer’s editorial director from 1991 until
his retirement in 2009.
MAGA - Manipulating America's Gullible Assholes