John Wrote in message:
On Sun, 31 May 2020 01:14:07 -0000 (UTC), Bill wrote:gfretwell@ wrote: On Sat, 30 May 2020 16:26:15 -0400, wrote: On Sat, 30 May 2020 16:05:35 -0400, "Mr. Luddite" wrote: ...was spectacular. This "new" era of the USA's space program is mind-boggling for those of us who remember Alan Shepard's first suborbital flight in "Freedom 7" 59 years ago. Even more unique is that America's private industry has taken over the role of designing and building this next generation spacecraft. Still blows my mind that they can land the first stage back on a small, floating barge to be re-used. Congrats to SpaceX, NASA and to Elon Musk, a true technical visionary. Should also mention that there are at least three other private companies developing spacecraft and rockets for future use. === Absolutely right, a spectacular achievement and all concerned should be very proud. I'm looking forward to their next night launch since we've discovered that we can see them from here, starting a minute or two after lift off. We can easily see main engine cutoff and second stage ignition. I went out to look but a cloud bank along I-75 blocked my view. We used to get a great look at the shuttle launches if the weather cooperated. Best launch I ever witnessed was a Vandenburg launch. We were in Yosemiteat the Ranger campfire and near sunset. Looking west out of the valleythe rocket staged exactly opposite the entrance. Looked like the 2ndstage firing was miles wide.When working for the Coast and Geodetic survey on the Cape in '65, our officewas an old house about three miles south of Pad 37B. We would climb up on theroof which was slanted just the right way, lie down and watch the launches. Sawtwo Saturn 1 launches, one daytime the other at night. The night launch was intoa cloud cover and when the flame hit the clouds the whole sky lit up. Beautiful.--Freedom Isn't Free!
A few weeks ago I saw a daytime launch well into the scond stage
burn. It seemed to go up for a while then take a left turn as if
it was following I 95 toward Alexandria VA. Later I learned that
the flight had gone off course and that they had made a course
correction and the mission completed sucessfully. Trump the
visionary probably made the right decision when he created the
Space Force when he did. Can you imagine Joe Biden thinking
outside the political box he's been living in for nearly 50
18 days and counting. I wonder how many hooks I can set in the
mean time
----Android NewsGroup Reader----