On Sat, 13 Jun 2020 16:39:01 -0400 (EDT), Justan Ohlphart
6.?There is nothing systemically wrong with the USA. Not racial
injustice. That was gone long ago. Not class warfare. That?s
ancient history. This is a super great country. It?s good to
anyone who is willing to acquire human capital in the form of
education as lawyer, doctor, plumber, or electrician. If there is
a problem, it?s the looters, murderers, and arsonists, and their
pals in the media.
This is a great, great country, and if the media tells you
different, they are lying. And the cops, 99 percent of them, are
great people. Let?s thank them ? not kick them for protecting
Ben Stein said that.
Ben has a good head on his shoulders. Nelson Mandella said, "Education is the
most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." But look at the
state of our inner-city schools.
All these 'fixes' after Floyd's death won't amount to **** if some basic changes
aren't made. And, those changes have to start with parents. I don't see that
happening any time soon.
Freedom Isn't Free!