John wrote:
On Sat, 13 Jun 2020 16:39:01 -0400 (EDT), Justan Ohlphart
6.?There is nothing systemically wrong with the USA. Not racial
injustice. That was gone long ago. Not class warfare. That?s
ancient history. This is a super great country. It?s good to
anyone who is willing to acquire human capital in the form of
education as lawyer, doctor, plumber, or electrician. If there is
a problem, it?s the looters, murderers, and arsonists, and their
pals in the media.
This is a great, great country, and if the media tells you
different, they are lying. And the cops, 99 percent of them, are
great people. Let?s thank them ? not kick them for protecting
Ben Stein said that.
Ben has a good head on his shoulders. Nelson Mandella said, "Education is the
most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." But look at the
state of our inner-city schools.
All these 'fixes' after Floyd's death won't amount to **** if some basic changes
aren't made. And, those changes have to start with parents. I don't see that
happening any time soon.
Freedom Isn't Free!
Looking at the article, says nothing is being done to actually educate
kids. More on improvement of tracking. Worst thing we did to schools was
letting the academics change the schools to all college prep and hoping the
kids who should have been in shop class, etc. went to community college to
learn. Admit all kids are not geniuses or excited to learn calculus.