Despite getting both a flu shot and a pneumonia shot and
practicing social distancing and wearing a mask on the
few visits to grocery stores for over two months, I caught
a flu type virus earlier this week.
I don't get sick very often ... in fact I can't even remember
the last time I had the flu ... but this one knocked me for a
loop. Obviously, covid-19 came to mind but fortunately no.
Started with two days of low energy, tiredness but no other
symptoms. Then, Tuesday morning I felt extremely fatigued.
By Tuesday afternoon I was in bed with all the chills, aches,
coughing and everything else that comes with the flu.
Tuesday night sweated buckets. Wednesday night same thing
only worse. No appetite.
Wife went out and got 6 quart bottles of Gateraid. Forced
myself to drink as much as I could.
Finally, Thursday I started to feel some strength returning.
Stayed in bed anyway.
This morning feeling much better. I lost almost 14 lbs though
over a week.
Flu is not nice to 70 year olds.
I'd watch (or sorta listen) to the news on different channels
and all that did was make me feel worse. Tuned the tv to one
of the music channels and just listened to it. Much better.
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