Turns out I didn't have the "flu" a couple of weeks ago.
Didn't have covid-19 either.
I had (have) Lymes' disease, cause by the bite of a
deer tic.
After I recovered from the fatigue, fever, chills, etc.
two weeks ago I noticed a rash on my back. It got
bigger and bigger and then started to appear in other
places on my back and a few on my chest.
Went to the doc this morning and three doctors
checked me out and determined it is Lyme disease.
They took about 12 vials of blood for testing for
good measure.
So, now I am taking some anti-biotics for the next
21 days to kill off the bug.
The classic indicator of Lyme's disease is the red
spot (bite location) with a ring that develops around
it but it can also manifest itself in many other ways
including flu symptoms and a rash that seems to spread
all over the place.
I was pretty sure that's what it was when the rash first
developed. Our area is heavily wooded and has all kinds
of wildlife, deer, foxes, coyotes, a few
fisher cats plus turkeys and other critters.
About two weeks before I felt sick I was out clearing some
low hanging branches and brush from behind our house.
I suspect I got bit then.
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