Oh ****!
On Sat, 29 Aug 2020 06:56:03 -0500, amdx wrote:
On 8/27/2020 10:17 AM, John wrote:
On Thu, 27 Aug 2020 13:36:08 -0000 (UTC), Justan wrote:
On 8/27/20 8:13 AM, John wrote:
So I went to WalMart to get some car wax. Walked in the door and looked at the
directions for where to walk and separation rules. Already had my mask on.
And then I reached up to pull my mask over my nose. Oh ****! I immediately
looked around to see if Greg caught me!
Oh well...
Freedom Isn't Free!
You're good to go as long as you are maintaining social distance.
Freedom Isn't Free!
Out on my morning walk* passing a medical building, I saw an elderly
couple about to get in their car.
She had a can of Lysol and was spraying him down, thoroughly! Maybe a
bit of overkill.
What's with all these people driving alone in their cars with masks on?
************************************************** ********* Mikek
I see that around here a lot also.
Freedom Isn't Free!