Stars and Stripes...
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Dec 2008
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Stars and Stripes...
On Sat, 05 Sep 2020 00:18:43 -0400,
On Fri, 04 Sep 2020 18:49:14 -0400,
...not for ever as it turns out;
WASHINGTON — The Pentagon has ordered the military's independent
newspaper, Stars and Stripes, to cease publication at the end of the
month, despite Congressional efforts to continue funding the
century-old publication.
The order to halt publication by Sept. 30, and dissolve the
organization by the end of January, is the latest salvo in the
Pentagon's move earlier this year to cut the $15.5 million in funding
for the paper from the department's budget. And it is a reflection of
the Trump administration's broader animosity for the media and members
of the press.
This really, really sucks.
Late breaking news, Trump reverses himself on closing Stars and
This is good news for the military, but it begs the question of what
was Trump's original beef with the paper? Did they run an article
that he considered unfavorable, or was it something else? It
certainly wasn't the money. $15 mil is a drop in the bucket for the
defense budget.
In reading the articles, I cannot find that Trump made the proposal. The
Pentagon made the proposal, and Trump shot it down.
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