On Wed, 23 Sep 2020 12:56:57 -0400, B wrote:
In article ,
We've already got Moscow pulling Trump's puppet atrings. Isn't that
scary enough? It's obvious to me that Putin has some sort of
compromising material on Trump, Kompromat as the Russians like to say.
That's entirely believable given Trump's proven prediliction for
sexual adventures. Doesn't that bother you?
Really? Are you stuck on the golden showers thing that has been debunked
time and again.
Let's talk Cheif Justice Roberts and why had has fallend off the right
and landed on the left.
I'd be happy if everyone stopped thinking about judges as left leaning
or right leaning. The only important thing to me is adherence to the
constitution and a commitment to equal justice for all.
Regarding Trump and the Russians, we'll probably never know exactly
what the Kompromot material is, and it really doesn't matter to anyone
but Trump. There's enough smoke around that topic to indicate that
there is fire somewhere.
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