Pray for them and or wish for a speedy recovery.
On 10/2/20 12:24 PM, tommy collins wrote:
On 10/2/20 12:04 PM, Nomen Nescio wrote:
Just like they're "praying" for the 210,000 people who've died?
**** them.
You're not a Trumpster, so you shouldn't behave as a Trumpster would. We
should want Trump & Family and anyone else suffering from illness to
recover. That said, if Trump isolates the way doctors suggest, he won't
be attending any crowded rallies the next few weeks.
Haven't heard if Biden contracted COVID from any of the unmasked
Trumpsters at this week's debate. Gotta wonder if Trump's illness will
have any impact on the upcoming elections.
Trumps quarentine will take the heat off sleepy Joe re. live appearances. We
all know how he doesn't like do appear live and be subject to questioning.
Remember this? "Heres the deal. I won't answer any questions that might
reveal my positions that could impact my chances to win."