On 10/20/20 10:42 AM, Justan O. wrote:
On 10/20/20 10:20 AM, Keyser Söze wrote:
On 10/19/20 9:51 PM, True North wrote:
On Monday, 19 October 2020 at 21:27:04 UTC-3, Keyser Söze wrote:
On 10/19/20 5:57 PM, Alex wrote:
This is a JTS M12AR 12ga semi-auto shotgun. It's an AR-15 style with
two 5 round magazines. Nothing fancy but a nice home protection
that might be useful on pigs.
Even deadbeat Harry can probably afford it - they are under $600.00.
What a wonderful firearm to use inside the house for home
protection...heavy, loud, complicated, not so easy to aim properly
indoors. Ayuup.
210,000+ Americans will never recover from the incompetence of Donald
That Ditzy Dan, alias Jorge, sure is a sucker for a salesman pitch.
Some of these newer AR-15 style semi-auto shotguns have feeding issues
and jam. If you are going to use a shotgun for home defense, there are
far better, more reliable choices. I used to think a shotgun was
suitable, but they're fairly unwieldy indoors and frippin' loud, loud
enough to cause permanent hearing damage. Nowadays, I use a CZ 9mm
pistol with a suppressor attached. The suppressor and subsonic ammo
keep the sound below the level of hearing destruction.
Also, I thought our little illegal alien gunmonkey was married and
stopped dating pigs. Guess I was wrong.
If you believe what your pig buddy Fat Harry says, you'reÂ* a bigger dummy
than we gave you credit for. Never believe the son of a used boat salesman.
Donny is a perfectly decent guy. If I saw you crossing the street and
getting hit by a bus, I'd call the Trump Ambulance Company to come pick
you up. You'd be waiting as long as you waited for your accredited
degree from Trump University or your Trump Steaks, Vodka, or gallon of
210,000+ Americans will never recover from the incompetence of Donald