Trump ‘is in a state of panic’ as he sees ‘the walls closing in’:
During an MSNBC discussion of the curious choices Donald Trump’s
campaign is making about his rally locations, “Morning Joe” regular John
Heilemann stated the president “is in a panic” and can’t think straight
–even more than normal — because he knows he’s losing badly.
With only seven days ago, the president has been holding two to three
rallies per day, which led “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough to ask
Heilemann if there is a strategy behind the choices the president is making.
“I think the president’s in a state of panic,” the MSNBC regular
asserted. “I think that’s the only real answer and I think you see
things like — you guys pointed to in the last hour when you talk about
Trump being up in New Hampshire is good example of that kind of panic.”
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“There’s places he’s going where it makes no sense,” he continued. “I
mean, you could look at Wisconsin and Michigan and I guess, you know …
if you’re Donald Trump and you believe in the magic of 2016 and you have
convinced that you did something the polls, you are convinced of the
false conventional wisdom, that the polls in 2016 were wildly wrong and
you had some political magic somehow you’ll pull it all back together in
some of the states, you know, you get — you convince yourself to go to
the places. But you go to New Hampshire where there’s not been a poll
this year that’s had Donald Trump within double digits of Joe Biden. So
I think there’s a degree of you’re starting to see the walls closing in.”
Nearly 230,000+ Americans will never recover from the incompetence of
Donald Trump.
Yeah, I wondered what the hell Trump was doing up in New Hampshire.
The New Hampshire Union-Leader, a very right-wing newspaper, endorsed
Biden thusly in this excerpt:
Building this country up sits squarely within the skill set of Joseph
Biden. We have found Mr. Biden to be a caring, compassionate and
professional public servant. He has repeatedly expressed his desire to
be a president for all of America, and we take him at his word. Joe
Biden may not be the president we want, but in 2020 he is the president
we desperately need. He will be a president to bring people together and
right the ship of state.
Biden is not perfect. We are not satisfied with his responses about his
son Hunter’s foreign business dealings. His understanding of gun rights
leaves a lot to be desired (Joe says we only need shotguns). He suggests
cops faced with a deadly threat should “shoot them in the leg.” He also
seems to be copying more pages out of the “Green New Deal” than we would
Our policy disagreements with Joe Biden are significant. Despite our
endorsement of his candidacy, we expect to spend a significant portion
of the next four years disagreeing with the Biden administration on our
editorial pages.
Biden was among the most moderate in the crowded 2020 Democratic primary
field, proposing some of the lowest new spending among that increasingly
left-leaning group. We are hopeful that this is a sign of the thoughtful
and pragmatic public servant President Joe Biden will be. Sadly,
President Trump has proven himself to be the antithesis of thoughtful
and pragmatic; he has failed to earn a second term.
*Our endorsement for President of these United States goes to Joe Biden.*
Apparently the editorial board of this very Republican newspaper doesn't
think much of the opinions of our right-wing poitical ignoramuses here
from Florida, North Carolina, California, and Illinois.