On 11/24/20 2:29 PM, Bill wrote:
B wrote:
In article ,
Got everything else I needed to prepare Thanksgiving dinner, but ALL the
local supermarkets, seven of them with 10 miles, were out of pumpkin
pie. Will check again later. How can you have official Thanksgiving
dinner without pumpkin pie? 
Did you steal it or did you actually pay for it?
A lot better pumpkin deserts available besides pumpkin pie.
That's really subjective. We like pumpkin pie for desert on Thanksgiving.
Bozo Bin resuscitated...John Herring in there, along with Bert Robbins,
452471atgmail.com, Just-AN-Asshole, Evangelical Tim, and Gunboy Alex.
Oh, if you are in the Bozo Bin, it is because you are only here to
insult or your posts lack wit or you are deadly dull, or a combination.
In Just-AN-Asshole's case, it is all three.