On Mon, 14 Dec 2020 15:57:21 -0800 (PST), True North
On Monday, 14 December 2020 at 18:55:12 UTC-4, Keyser Söze wrote:
1. Vaccine begins distribution
2. Electoral College votes for Biden
3. Bill Barr is either fired or resigned
Bozo Bin resuscitated...John Herring in there, along with Bert Robbins,
452471atgmail.com, Just-AN-Asshole, Evangelical Tim, and Gunboy Alex.
Oh, if you are in the Bozo Bin, it is because you are only here to
insult or your posts lack wit or you are deadly dull, or a combination.
In Just-AN-Asshole's case, it is all three.
So I guess it's official despite the continuing antics of Trump and his swamp dwellers.
What a great Christmas present for the civilized world.
Donnie, do you know what a 'sycophant' is?
Learn something new.
Freedom Isn't Free!