On Wed, 16 Dec 2020 16:18:34 -0000 (UTC), Bill
Keyser Söze wrote:
On 12/15/20 8:04 PM, Bill wrote:
Keyser Söze wrote:
On 12/15/20 12:34 PM, Bill wrote:
Keyser Söze wrote:
So, is okay if you rank on a Christian religion, but I bet you support
Muslims rioting and killing over a cartoon.
I don't support any religions behaving badly or intruding on those who
believe differently or not at all. In this country, the offenders
typically are christians.
I don’t see Christians trying to implement their version of Sharia laws.
You're not looking.
The Christian’s are not trying to force their laws on us. Unlike the
I have to agree with Harry on this one. There are plenty of "morality"
laws that are based on religion not any real danger to the public.
Examples would be bigamy, laws about drugs and alcohol, obscenity,
blue laws and until recently adultery, cohabitation and various sex
acts among consenting adults. I bet they still exist in some bible
belt states.
I bet Harry even supports some of them, left over from his abandoned
Judeo/Christian upbringing.