Why do most of the Crazed Trumpsters look like this guy or, worse, this
guy with another 150 pounds on him? Obviously, none of them have a
rational woman in their lives, because no woman would put up with a mess
like this. I'm not against beards, but really, fellas...the caveman
mountain man look is so 18th Century. This is McCall Calhoun (of course,
that is his name), of Americus, Georgia (of course).
Bozo Binned: Herring, Bert Robbins, JackGoff,
Just-AN-Asshole, Tim, and Gunboy Alex, aka the Gang of Dull, Witless,
Insult-Tossing Trumpsters. If you are on this list, I don't see most of
your posts and I don't read any of them.