On 1/18/21 5:53 PM, Wayne B wrote:
On Mon, 18 Jan 2021 22:26:23 -0000 (UTC), Bill
Keyser Söze wrote:
Finally had to spend more than I usually do on oil and filter
changes...needed front brake pads and had the rotors turned...$201.
Probably have to pop for four tires at 60,000. It's certainly been a
no-drama vehicle so far. 
Surprised they turned rotors. Most these days replace as not a lot of
extra meat.
I have an 18 y/o Tundra with 130,000 miles on it. Good vehicle except
for the rotors. I finally got some 3rd party rotors that are drilled
and slotted. So far so good.
I'm starting to think about replacement tires. Haven't done any research
yet. Mostly paved road driving, a bit of snow driving. Need good
traction in rain, quiet tires. 17"-ers.
Bozo Binned: Herring, Bert Robbins, JackGoff 452471atgmail.com,
Just-AN-Asshole, Tim, AMDX, and Gunboy Alex, aka the Gang of Dull,
Witless, Insult-Tossing Trumpsters. If you are on this list, I don't see
most of your posts and I don't read any of them.