John Wrote in message:r
On Wed, 20 Jan 2021 22:24:00 -0500, Wayne B wrote:On Wed, 20 Jan 2021 19:32:10 -0500, John wrote:On Wed, 20 Jan 2021 14:28:21 -0000 (UTC), Keyser wrote:WASHINGTON (AP) — Donald Trump pumped his fist and waved as he departed theWhite House on Marine One Wednesday for the last time as president, leavingbehind a legacy of chaos and tumult and a nation bitterly divided.Four years after standing on stage at his own inauguration and painting adire picture of “American carnage,” Trump departed the office twiceimpeached, with millions more out of work and 400,000 dead from thecoronavirus. Republicans under his watch lost the presidency and bothchambers of Congress. He will be forever remembered for the final major actof his presidency: inciting an insurrection at the Capitol that left fivedead, including a Capitol Police officer, and horrified the nation.Good riddance!The chaos, tumultuousness, and bitter division started right here. you and Wayne can't admit it.===The Washington Post had nothing to do with the events leading up toTrump's impeachment in 2017. They reported on the facts, andexpressed their opinions, just like Fox News does every day. Theindisputable facts are that Trump attempted to leverage the power ofhis office, with a foreign country, to discredit a political opponent.He then used the power of his office to end the military career of thewhistleblower.Bull****. There was no impeachment in 2017. There were no facts supporting aheadline like that the day after he was inaugurated. You two sit there andpretend the media were reporting the truth and only the truth!What bull****.--Freedom Isn't Free!
Wayne was a subject the reprogramming beta test program. So far
he's swallowed all the Kool Ade. Hopefully it's not the Kool Ade
that Fat Harry had already bathed in.
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