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Default Weather reports...Phtttttttttttttttttttt!

Scott Vernon wrote:

Therein lies the problem. I want to go for longer sails, but I like having
her along, and she's still in skool.

S'OK, you'll have time.

What size, length chain?

We got two 40' lengths of 3/8" HT chain (hot-dip galvanized, of course). Good
deal at Agri-Supply, and *definitely* one lengths adds significant holding
power (which it f@#^in well should, since it weighs almost double what the
anchor itself weighs). The funny thing is, it's actually easier to haul by
hand than the old lighter chain, because it grips & stacks easier.

For our everyday anchor, we're using a 35# plough on one 40' 3/8 chain,
spliced to I-dunno-how-much 1/2" braided dacron rode. One of these days I'm
going to lay out, clean off, and mark, our whole rode. But my wife has to
finish working on the teak deck first.

Fresh Breezes- Doug King