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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jan 2011
Posts: 5,756
educators and lots of degrees
On Saturday, 23 January 2021 at 10:12:29 UTC-4, Keyser Söze wrote:
On 1/23/21 8:15 AM, True North wrote:
On Friday, 22 January 2021 at 21:59:54 UTC-4, justan wrote:
Alex Wrote in message:r
True North wrote: On Friday, 22 January 2021 at 11:46:30 UTC-4, Wayne B wrote: On Fri, 22 Jan 2021 06:40:17 -0800 (PST), True North wrote: On Friday, 22 January 2021 at 10:13:06 UTC-4, justan wrote: True North Wrote in message:r On Friday, 22 January 2021 at 08:08:36 UTC-4, justan wrote: Bill Wrote in message:r A psychiatrist met an old patient and exclaimed, "I heard you died.""But you see I'm alive," smiled the ex-patient.."Impossible," said the psychiatrist. "I was told you'd died by a colleaguewho's had 22 peer-reviewed papers published, so his opinion's bound to bemuch more reliable than yours." Ah. Don't leave home without your Psychobabylists aproval. Snerk. -- ----Android NewsGroup Reader---- like y'all have had a lot of experience with those "psychobabylists", Justine. Nah.. And I don't rely on Dr Phil, car salesmen, and Consumer Reports to make important decisions for me either. -- ----Android NewsGroup Reader---- Carefully...your Exaulted Ruler, The John, puts a lot of stock in Consumer Reports advice. === Consumer Reports is not infallible but they do provide a valuable service however. After subscribing to them for many years, I cancelled last year. They really got into a lot of begging and bumming for additional donations almost to the point of harassment. Reminded me too much of The John's regular Bum-a-thons a few years ago.You are fixated on John. Why?
Donnie fantasises about doing a threesom with Harry and John but
John is a straight family man.
----Android NewsGroup Reader----
Don't try to transpose your perverted fantasies onto me, girlieman.
Justan has the IQ of a crayon.
Bozo Binned: Herring, Bert Robbins, JackGoff,
Just-AN-Asshole, Tim, AMDX, and Gunboy Alex, aka the Gang of Dull,
Witless, Insult-Tossing Trumpsters. If you are on this list, I don't see
most of your posts and I don't read any of them.
That's an insult to cyayons everywhere , especially the coloured ones!