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Bill[_12_] Bill[_12_] is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jan 2017
Posts: 4,553
Default Hedge Funds Clipped...

On Thu, 28 Jan 2021 15:51:51 -0500, Keyser Söze

On 1/28/21 3:39 PM, Keyser Söze wrote:
On 1/28/21 3:20 PM, Wayne B wrote:
On Thu, 28 Jan 2021 15:07:47 -0500 (EST), justan wrote:

Keyser Söze Wrote in message:r
On 1/28/21 2:48 PM, Wayne B wrote: On Thu, 28 Jan 2021 14:39:11
-0500, Keyser Söze wrote: On
1/28/21 12:05 PM, Wayne B wrote: On Thu, 28 Jan 2021 08:53:15
-0500, Keyser Söze wrote:
Individual investors have ganged up on some short-selling hedge
funds, and the results for the funds aren't pretty. Too
funny. === That's not necessarily a good thing but I
understand the emotional appeal.Â* Hedge funds are run by very
smart guys who take a highly analytical and unemotional look a
company's finances before making investment decisions. Thanks
for the laugh. === Sure, anytime.Â* As you well know sometimes
smart guys do very dumb things but for the most part successful
hedge funders are very buttoned down and analytical - virtually all
of them who are successful over the long haul. Perhaps they should
forego their Starbucks latte and avocado toast and get a second job
for uber if they can be outsmarted by a bunch of guys playing them
like a comb and a piece of tissue.-- Bozo Binned: Herring, Bert
Robbins, JackGoff,Just-AN-Asshole, Tim, AMDX, and
Gunboy Alex, aka the Gang of Dull,Witless, Insult-Tossing Trumpsters.
If you are on this list, I don't seemost of your posts and I don't
read any of them.

Listen to mr. empty pockets giving advice to investers. Too funny.



It's funnier when a grammar school dropout like your buddy, who cannot
spell the simplest of words, offers up comments here that exhibit his
language deficiencies. Fortunately, I don't see very many of his posts,
as he lives in the permanent bozo bin.

Oh, and the Hedge Funders are taking a hit in their casino. Too bad.

Some of them anyway. I bet there are a couple ordering the Corinthian
Leather and gold toilets for their 150' yacht.

One of the big problems for most of us, not the Hedge Fund managers, is the
IRS let’s them claim all those millions they take in renumeration each year
as Capital Gains. $400 million income, 20% tax rate.