Stock Tip: Skyworks Solutions Inc (SWKS)
On Fri, 29 Jan 2021 16:17:13 -0000 (UTC), Justan " wrote:
On 1/29/21 10:36 AM, Wayne B wrote:
Skyworks is on fire this morning after a very strong earnings report.
They are an interesting tech company that make key components for 5G
cell phones among other things. Their strong suit is designing hybrid
chips that do RF (radio frequency) processing as well as digital. I've
owned if for a couple of years now and have done quite well.
My go to guy for sketchy investing advice is Fat Harry. Is your advice more
honest and reliable than his? What am I saying. It couldn't be worse.
You pays your money and you take your chances (or not). I've never
recommended an investment that I didn't own myself. 'Airree claims to
not invest in the stock market which seems easy to believe. As for
myself, the stock market has helped me buy 3 houses, a whole bunch of
boats, and put 2 kids through expensive colleges. Can't complain, but
your mileage may vary. :-)