Stock Tip: Skyworks Solutions Inc (SWKS)
On Fri, 29 Jan 2021 10:36:38 -0500, Wayne B
Skyworks is on fire this morning after a very strong earnings report.
They are an interesting tech company that make key components for 5G
cell phones among other things. Their strong suit is designing hybrid
chips that do RF (radio frequency) processing as well as digital. I've
owned if for a couple of years now and have done quite well.
I just looked at my account.
Thanks again buddy, Beer is on me.
I am up 114%, not to shabby. It is still not as good as my trailer
company CVCO (122%).
I just looked and my perineal loser CLNE (T Boone Pickens old company)
is back in the black. I am glad I didn't panic and sell at $2. It is
over $10 and I have $7 in it.
My XOM is even above water again but it was a tough summer.
IBM could be doing better but most of my shares are zero basis so it
is all profit. I probably should wait for a good day and sell it tho.
I guess I just like the dividend checks and I am not ready for the tax
I see my partner Carl decided not to let them blow up our casino for
charity (the one Trump used to own). Some day I might find out how
much that partnership is worth but again, I like the checks.
It has changed names and owners so often I am not even sure where to
start but I put $10k in it in 1978 or so. At first it was a helluva
tax write off until 86. Then people kept trying to but me out but I
said no. When Ichan bought it I started thinking I made the right
decision. We own lots of stuff.
I do get a giggle when I realize I own more of the Atlantic City Trump
Plaza than Trump. (maybe one doorknob or something) ;-)