True North Wrote in message:r
On Friday, 5 February 2021 at 01:14:57 UTC-4, wrote: On Thu, 4 Feb 2021 17:24:16 -0800 (PST), True North wrote: On Thursday, 4 February 2021 at 20:56:06 UTC-4, wrote: On Thu, 04 Feb 2021 13:44:33 -0500, Wayne B wrote: On Thu, 04 Feb 2021 11:47:03 -0500, John wrote: On Wed, 03 Feb 2021 17:13:05 -0500, wrote: On Wed, 3 Feb 2021 19:13:30 -0000 (UTC), Bill wrote: justan wrote: John Wrote in message:r That is the question: Isn't Free! HERE'S THE ANSWER I THINK YOU WANT. GO FOR IT. YOU'RE ONLY YOUNG ONCE. I still have my motorcycle endorsement on my license, but I think the reaction time is not there anymore to ride. I just stopped because this is not a motorcycle friendly place. Too many people who can't seem to see one in the city and not enough roads to make it interesting in the country. Southern Md used to be a great place to ride with lots of little winding country roads criss crossing the 3 or 4 southern counties. There is really nothing like that here. Roads tend to be long straight 2 lane blacktops. We have some great roads over by the mountains, or over the mountains in WV. Southern MD is too boring. === We were on some great windy roads in WV a few years ago, over near Cass and Green Bank. There's also a very cool steam railroad in that area. I was never committed enough to ride from Southern Md to WV. I did ride up to the GW Forest once but I was usually just a short ride guy. Someplace we could go and stay off the interstate. Annapolis on the back road was a nice ride. Maybe out near Harry's house, loop around through LaPlata and back up through Chuck County. There are lots of little roads only locals know about down there. I was thinking of getting a small dirt bike to ride the rails to trails up here. We also have lots of logging roads criss crossing the province. The plan would be to load the dirt bike on my Mission utility trailer to access any where in the province. Only time I ever got hurt on a motor cycle was dirt biking ... twice.Now that you mention it, the only time I can recall falling off a motorcycle was when I took my 175cc CanAm TNT back in on a narrow rutty dirt road. That's why I'll be thinking of a small bike somewhere between 125 cc to 250cc. Anything bigger is a bit too tall in the saddle for me to get both feet on the ground. I don't plan on going too fast either and I want something easy to load on my trailer.
The idea of a motorcycle is to ride it: not carry it around on a
trailer. I have a 1300cc Can Am. There's no worries about getting
both feet on the ground unless you are dismounting.
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