Do the math, dummy
On Tue, 16 Feb 2021 07:27:40 -0500, "Mr. Luddite"
On 2/15/2021 2:24 PM, Wayne B wrote:
On Mon, 15 Feb 2021 14:01:43 -0500 (EST), justan wrote:
John Wrote in message:r
KEYSTONE PIPELINE vs TRAIN vs SHIP TO MOVE OILThese numbers were Fact-Checked with Google:1 Train has 100 cars, 2 engines and weighs 27,240,000 LBS.1 Train carries 3,000,000 gallons of oil.1 train uses 55.5 gallons of diesel per mile.It takes 119,000 gallons of diesel to go 2150 miles from Hardidsy, AB toFreeport, TX.Keystone pipeline was to deliver 34,860,000 gallons of oil per day.It would take 12 trains and 1,428,000 gallons of diesel to deliver that amount.PER DAY!521,220,000 gallons of diesel per year.The oil will still go to market with or without the pipeline. By stopping thepipeline billions of gallons of diesel will be wasted and pollute needlessly.Stop the Tar Sands all together? Then we must ship the oil from the overseassandbox.1 large oil tanker can haul 120,000,000 gallons of oil1 boat takes 15 days to cross the Atlantic.1 boat uses 63,000 gallons of fuel PER DAY, that is about 1 million gallons ofthe most polluting type fuel in the world PER TRIP.*(See below)Or
3.5 days of Keystone Pipeline to move the same amount of oil with afraction of the pollution.*In international waters ship emissions remains one of the least regulated partsof our global transportation system. The fuel used in ships is waste oil,basically what is left over after the crude oil refining process. It is the sameas asphalt and is so thick that when cold it can be walked upon . It's thecheapest and most polluting fuel available and the world's 90,000 ships chewthrough an astonishing 7.29 million barrels of it each day, or more than 84% ofall exported oil production from Saudi Arabia.Shipping is by far the biggest transport polluter in the world. There are 760million cars in the world today emitting approx 78,599 tons of Sulphur Oxides(SOx) annually. The world's 90,000 vessels burn approx 370 million tons of fuelper year emitting 20 million tons of Sulphur Oxides. That equates to 260 timesmore Sulphur Oxides being emitted by ships than the worlds entire car fleet.
ship alone can generate approx 5,200 tonnes of sulphur oxide pollution ina year, meaning that 15 of the largest ships now emit as much SOx as the worlds760 million cars.Eliminate all gas consuming cars and diesel vehicles?Worldwide car gas consumption is 403,583,712,000 gallons a year. That's billion.Worldwide oil consumption is 1,500,000,000,000 gallons a year. That'strillion.It takes 2.15 gallons of oil to make 1 gallon of car gas and .6 gal of diesel.So it takes 867,704,980,800 gallons of oil to run the worlds cars, most dieselvehicles for a year and some ships.That leaves 632,295,019,200 gallons of oil for other uses.Passenger vehicles are only a very small percentage of the problem. Why notcreate an industry to clean exhaust instead of crushing an entire industry andbuilding a complete untested, replacement industry? Are we willing todramatically increase mining to get all the minerals necessary to make all thesebatteries and electric motors? Mining is way worse for the
environment than oilextraction. How does stopping the Keystone make anyone feel good?[Copied from friend]--Freedom Isn't Free!
When you put it that way, Someone would have to be a complete
idiot to interfere with the completion of the pipeline.
There's no question that pipelines are the safest and most cost
effective way of transporting crude oil. I thought it was a
disappointing, bad decision. On the other hand if that was the cost
of getting Trump out of office, maybe it was worth it. I don't want
my grandchildren growing up in a dictator led banana republic,
supported by a cult of racist crazies.
Here's one thing I can't understand:
In 2019, about 63% of U.S. energy generation was produced from fossil
fuels (coal, natural gas, and petroleum). About 20% was from nuclear
energy, and about 17% was from renewable energy sources such as wind,
solar, hydro, etc. Of the 17% of renewable sourced energy, 11% is
currently converted to electricity. BTW ... wind and solar are very
small contributors to the overall "green" sources.
So now, a push is on to eliminate fossil fueled cars and eventually
trucks. GM claims their cars will be all electric in 2035.
Sounds wonderful but where is the electricity required to charge all
these electric powered cars daily going to come from? I can't find the
stats but I imagine the equivalent "green" generated energy required
to fuel a future of all electric vehicles must be enormous.
They also generally will be charged at night when solar is offline.
Most residential solar arrays would barely keep up with charging a
Tesla in the day time if everything in the house was dark anyway.