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Default Good Covid news from the Wall Street Journal

Keyser Söze Wrote in message:r
On 2/17/21 12:29 AM, wrote: On Tue, 16 Feb 2021 20:09:12 -0500, John wrote: On Tue, 16 Feb 2021 17:11:56 -0500, John wrote: On Tue, 16 Feb 2021 10:29:00 -0500, Keyser Söze wrote: On 2/16/21 10:15 AM, Wayne B wrote: On Tue, 16 Feb 2021 05:13:38 -0800 (PST), True North wrote: On Tuesday, 16 February 2021 at 08:52:08 UTC-4, Wayne B wrote: Newly reported Covid-19 cases in the U.S. fell to their lowest level in nearly four months over Presidents Day weekend, and daily reported deaths declined sharply from a recent spike. There were more than 52,000 new cases reported for Monday, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University, down from 64,938 a day earlier and 89,727 a week earlier. The latest number was published early Tuesday Eastern time and may be updated later in the morning. Too bad the US couldn't get rid of Trump 6 months ago. No telling how many lives that may have saved. === The best time would have been 12 months ago when he was still denying that Covid presented any risk at all. Of course his real risk was to his incumbency which he was acutely aware of. From Newsweek: A new report highlights the hundreds of thousands of unnecessary deaths in the U.S. under former President Donald Trump, noting that some 40 percent of COVID-19 pandemic deaths in 2020 would have been averted if America's mortality rate was equivalent to other wealthy peer nations. The report?published Thursday in one of the world's oldest and best-known medical journals The Lancet?explains that even before the pandemic, the U.S. saw 461,000 unnecessary deaths in 2018 when compared to the death rates in other G7 nations (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom). Comparing the U.S. COVID-19 mortality rate to this peer group, the U.S. would have seen 40 percent fewer deaths in 2020 if its mortality rate was comparable. "The global COVID-19 pandemic has had a disproportionate effect on the USA, with more than 26 million diagnosed cases and over 450000 deaths as of early February, 2021, about 40% of which could have been averted had the U.S. death rate mirrored the weighted average of the other G7 nations," the report explains. "Many of the cases and deaths were avoidable. Instead of galvanizing the US populace to fight the pandemic, President Trump publicly dismissed its threat (despite privately acknowledging it), discouraged action as infection spread, and eschewed international cooperation," it continues. Here's where we fall. Cherry-picking a few countries would make us look pretty damn good. 'Weighted Average'? Show me. The link: Scroll down and then click on Death/1M pop. When you compare the absolute number of deaths to a country the size of Wyoming with the population of Florida the US looks bad but look at the numbers per 100,000 people Still trying to make Trump look better, eh?-- Bozo Binned: Herring, Bert Robbins, JackGoff,Just-AN-Asshole, Tim, AMDX, and Gunboy Alex, aka the Gang of Dull,Witless, Insult-Tossing Trumpsters. If you are on this list, I don't seemost of your posts and I don't read any of them.

Trump is better. There are many things he acomplished even while
the snakes were biting his ankles. He isn't perfect, but hey, who
is? Joey has trouble remembering his name. I can't think of
anything Joey has done right since he was annointed.

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