Bob Dole...
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2007
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Bob Dole...
On Fri, 19 Feb 2021 08:52:59 -0500, Keyser Söze
On 2/18/21 10:37 PM,
On Thu, 18 Feb 2021 11:28:38 -0500, Keyser Söze
...suffering from Stage 4 lung cancer. Served his country admirably in
the military and on Congress. He's 97.
I was actually surprised he was still alive. He had a good run. Stage
4 lung cancer is not something you get over tho. It killed my BIL when
he was 73 just short of his 74th birthday. Not a fun way to die.
I voted for him in 76 (VP) but I was done with the majors by 96.
Liddy Dole, his wife, is at least a decade younger and the last time I
saw her on TV, she looked pretty decent for her age. I like Dole and
liked Gerry Ford. Ford was a Congressman from western Michigan (Grand
Rapids) when I lived in that state and was active in Michigan Democratic
Party politics. Gerry was a really conservative Republican for his time,
but I didn't know a Dem politician who didn't like and respect him.
Ford is underrated as a president and I think we would have been a lot
better off if he beat Carter. If nothing else he drove the stake
through the heart of the Vietnam war. Anybody else might have had us
farting around there until it got going again (like Clinton in Iraq).
I also think he put the Nixon thing to bed with the least amount of
damage possible and allowed Carter to have a clean playing field to
stumble around in.
The WIN thing was pretty dumb tho and he allowed the Nixon drug war to
flourish when it would have been possible to end that too.
It has killed more people than Vietnam.
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