incompetent texas gop
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Keyser Söze[_3_]
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2020
Posts: 1,507
incompetent texas gop
On 2/20/21 12:56 PM,
On Sat, 20 Feb 2021 09:48:50 -0500, Keyser Söze
On 2/20/21 9:24 AM,
On Sat, 20 Feb 2021 09:00:14 -0500, Keyser Söze
On 2/20/21 8:41 AM,
On Sat, 20 Feb 2021 13:30:33 -0000 (UTC), Keyser Soze
The 60 industrial size generators, thousands of gallons of diesel fuel, and
thousands of blankets the Biden administration airlifted to Texas three
days ago are still sitting at the Airport, waiting for the government of
Texas to pick them up and take them where needed.
"Yeah, we are from the government we are here to help".
The scariest words you can here during a crisis.
Maybe a little better coordination might have helped. They should have
hired Walmart to distribute the generators.
Or Texas could have hired Trump to toss rolls of paper towels for Texans
to burn for heat.
I'm sure the incompetent, anti-government loonytarians who run Texas
were informed the gensets were on the way, where they would land, and
when. You were whining the other day the Biden Admin wouldn't get
anything to Texas for months or some such nonsense. You were
usual and again.
Was there any coordination at all about where these were going to go
and who was actually equipped to use them or did FEMA just throw them
on planes and say "you figure it out"?
You don't just back wire a 100KVA pad mount generator through a dryer
plug. Any place set up with emergency wiring and the facility to
connect a generator already has one.
It won't help much if they burn down the building they are trying to
provide power to. This is not like stringing some orange cords around
your house and powering up the trusty old Honda.
I bet the problem is the desk jockeys at FEMA are as clueless as you
about article 700 of the national electrical code and they think you
just plug these things in and go.
They might have use of the fuel but Texas has plenty of fuel, trucking
it around is the problem. Getting it from the FEMA drop site may be as
hard as getting it from the bulk plant.
Those are just facts
I will wait to hear the explanation before I let my knee jerk like the
clueless people like Jason Easley who wrote this story (carried by a
dozen outlets). His bias was exposed when he said "the republicans"
instead of "Texas emergency managers" or any other neutral moniker.
The Republicans run the Texas government and the Republicans let the
Texas power companies get away with no build-up of infrastructure or
proper systems. Stop making excuses for Republican incompetence.
It is not that much different than the incompetence of the North
Eastern utilities that lose power every time there is any kind of
storm because they won't trim the trees over the power lines.
That still does not address your original rant.
Did FEMA coordinate dropping those generators with anyone in Texas and
was there anything close to a plan to use them? It is not easy to
apply temporary emergency power to a building that is not wired for
it. That is just a fact, whether in is Texas, Maryland or New York
Where were they supposed to be taking them?
Any critical operation should have generators already.
Your attempt to rationalize everything bad your Repubs do it kinda funny.
* Lock up Trump and his family of grifters. *
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Keyser Söze[_3_]
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